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Welcome to the world of social casino, where every game is a new adventure! Join us and start winning!

Tales of Asgard: Loki's Fortune Bounty


Tales of Asgard: Lokis Fortune Bounty

Tales of Asgard: Loki's Fortune Bounty is an exciting social casino where players embark on a thrilling adventure into the world of ancient Norse myths. This entertaining game features characters from Norse mythology, including Loki himself, the god of deception and deceit.


  • Captivating Storyline: Players are immersed in the immersive world of Norse myths, where every action and decision counts. The plot revolves around the adventures of Loki, who seeks to find and steal the precious treasures of Asgard.
  • Variety of Slot Machines: The game features a wide variety of slot games with unique themes that reflect the mythology of the Norse gods. Players can choose from a variety of machines with different bets and bonus rounds.
  • Social Interaction: Tales of Asgard: Loki's Fortune Bounty offers the possibility of social interaction between players. They can add friends, exchange gifts, and even compete in tournaments.
  • Bonuses and Rewards: Players receive various bonuses and rewards for actively participating in the game. These can be free spins on slot machines, bonus chips or extra coins.
  • Graphics & Sound: High-quality graphics and sound design help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Norse mythology and create a unique gaming experience.

Tales of Asgard: Loki's Fortune Bounty is not just a casino, but a whole world of adventures and opportunities where players can experience excitement and enjoy exciting adventures in the company of the Norse gods.

Online Players 4266


  • A social casino is a great way to spend time and maintain social connections with friends.


  • The social casino Tales of Asgard: Loki's Fortune Bounty provides many opportunities for social interactions and socializing.


Casino Fever Friends